Monday, June 16, 2008

Internet on your mind

This will be a short post to introduce a topic I want to address in more depth when I have more time.

I read this article several months ago and I've been mulling over something that appears near the end.

The subject of the article concerns a Zogby poll about the role of the Internet in people's lives. One thing in particular stuck out:

Only 11 percent of respondents said they would be willing to safely implant a
device that let them use their mind to access the Internet although one in five
would insert a chip into a child 13 years old or younger to help track them.

Not only are one out of 10 people in the sample open to the idea of a cerebral cyber-surfing, but Zogby thought it was a question worth asking.

What sort of ramifications would wireless brain Internet have for humanity? Knowledge would take on a wholly different aspect. What difference is there between looking up a piece of information in your own database (memory) or on the Internet if it can be done almost instantly and without physical effort?

I'm sure the technology for this sort of interface is a ways off, but if Zogby is polling about it; then it's on someone's mind.

-Robot Crusoe

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